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HS-(CH2)2-CONH-(CH2)4-NTA (FT 016)


SAMs terminated with a nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA-SAM) chelating agent bind Ni(II) and the His-Tag motif selectively and tightly. Consequently, they are ideal constructs for selective immobilization of His-tagged proteins (human TATA box binding protein, transcriptional activator Gal 4, two components of the yeast RNA polymerase II holoenzyme, and a single chain T-cell receptor construct) through complexation of the Ni(II) atom by two histidines. See: Sigal, G.B.; Bamdad, C.; Barberis, A.; Strominger, J.; Whitesides, G.M. Anal. Chem.199668, 490. This molecule utilise the OEG spacer responsible for its high accecibility on the distal surface of SAM combined with low non-specific binding background. For other option please compare out simple NTA presenting thiol HS-(CH2)11-(EG)3-NTA in the Thiols for Bioresistant and Biospecific SAMs cathegory.

Standard Products

name catalog no. m n weight price
HS-CH2-CONH-(CH2)4-NTA FT 016-m4-0.05 4 50 mg Log in to see the prices
HS-CH2-CONH-(CH2)4-NTA FT 016-m4-0.1 4 100 mg

Custom synthesis variants

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